
Experimentation is our third pillar in the process towards improving revenue results for your business. Split testing (a/b testing & multivariate testing) is a fundamental, crucial part of Conversion Rate optimisation to back up strategy with sound test data.

Even with years of optimisation experience and by applying all CRO best practices, one can never know 100% for sure whether something will work on a site of not. Your site, value proposition and audience are all unique so what woerks for another site may not necessarily work for yours.

Test, test and test a bit more

The key to data-driven optimisation is to test, test and test a bit more. Ongoing, “always on testing should be an integral part of a digital marketing strategy in order to optimise a site, which is why thorough “always on” testing is a crucial part of our Digital Conversion programme.

In our Optimisation Program, our Consultants lead the direction of the testing cycle, as a good strategy will make or break your experimentation program. With no strategy in place, you risk running the wrong tests, in the wrong order, on the wrong goals. Get the strategy right, and you’ll have an impactful and scalable experimentation framework.

This framework can help apply testing not just to your website, but across your entire organisation. So we can test & optimise messaging, design, brand elements, functionality, user experience – even your advertising, pricing and product.

Thanks to our highly experienced experiment developers we are able to run anything from easy tests to technically challenging ones that generate high-level insights and learnings. We are also able to support you in the assessment and implementation of tools necessary for an effective CR0 Programme.

Some of the tools we work with

Stand-alone or integrated?

We can look after the full test cycle for you including test strategy, test build and reporting. Alternatively, our Experiment team can also engage with you on an experiment-only basis if required and offers the opportunity to just outsource the coding of your experiments to our experienced experiment developers. For most of our clients, the Experiment Lab is part of their CRO programme, which combines testing with our Strategy team and Research team. This programme is designed to work in synergy and hence gives you the very best results. Learn more about how our Digital Conversion Programme could help you boost your revenue.

Data Analytics

To get the benefits from your campaigns & digital channels and to feed your Optimisation Strategy you need a solid & complete data analytics set up, plus detailed tracking and reporting. Our experts can support you with this

Digital Strategy

As part of an Optimisation Program, our specialists gather qualitative and quantitative data and apply their in depth knowledge and experience to provide solid CRO Strategy and recommendations.


Optimisation via A/B Testing should be an integral part of any digital marketing strategy in order to optimise your channels, which is why thorough “always on” testing is part of our Optimisation program.

Get in touch to find out how we can team up.

Having worked across industries worldwide, our clients range in traffic & size from medium through to large multinationals. Each business is unique and we can tailor our program to your goals and KPI’s.

If you are looking to gain more revenue from your current website traffic, turning more browsers into buyers - Let’s talk.

Just complete the form to request a callback or, if you prefer, flick us an email.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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