Digital Strategy

Do you need expert input on crafting a new Optimisation Strategy or on improving your existing one? Optimisation is all about maximising your sales and leads; this often starts right at the beginning.

The decisions you make in the early stages when creating your Digital Strategy will have a big impact on your conversion rates and the success of your marketing campaigns and in turn on the overall turnover longer term.

Whether you are a medium or large size company, there is huge value in getting a fresh and unbiased perspective. Our team of Strategy experts is here to help. Once you have gathered your data and customer insights, the magic success factor is to interpret this data in terms of things like visitor behaviour and profiles and translate the insights into a solid optimisation strategy for your channels. Our team of specialists work with you to bridge this gap successfully. We can help you with:


  • Optimisation Strategy (CRO/UX/UXO)
  • Prioritising your experiment road map
  • Heuristic Website Assessments
  • Personalisation Strategy
  • Customer Journey Mapping
  • Qualitative and quantitative research via heatmaps, scroll maps, user testing and, exit & onsite surveys
  • In-house training & workshops

Stand alone or integrated?

For most of our clients soliciting the Strategy team is part of their Digital Conversion Programme, which combines our Strategy team with our Research team and Experiment team. This unique programme is designed to work in synergy and hence gives you the very best results. CRO Strategy can also be requested as a stand-alone service; a possible follow up engagement may be to team up after the completion of the strategy to work on further optimisation of the site.

Data Analytics

To get the benefits from your campaigns & digital channels and to feed your Optimisation Strategy you need a solid & complete data analytics set up, plus detailed tracking and reporting. Our experts can support you with this

Digital Strategy

As part of an Optimisation Program, our specialists gather qualitative and quantitative data and apply their in depth knowledge and experience to provide solid CRO Strategy and recommendations.


Optimisation via A/B Testing should be an integral part of any digital marketing strategy in order to optimise your channels, which is why thorough “always on” testing is part of our Optimisation program.

Get in touch to find out how we can team up.

Having worked across industries worldwide, our clients range in traffic & size from medium through to large multinationals. Each business is unique and we can tailor our program to your goals and KPI’s.

If you are looking to gain more revenue from your current website traffic, turning more browsers into buyers - Let’s talk.

Just complete the form to request a callback or, if you prefer, flick us an email.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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