Digital Optimisation Programme

As Australasia’s leading digital conversion specialists, we work with you to convert significantly more of your hard earned traffic into leads and sales. Our world class team does his in a proven, data driven way that gives you lasting results.

Our program offers a complete solution that helps you reach your KPI’s. Through a proven combination of advanced Data Analytics, Optimisation Strategy and Experimentation we identify and optimise weak-performing areas of your website and optimise your channels:

Our international team of world class Consultants has helped hundreds of medium to large sized corporates in different stages of their Digital marketing to get excellent results; they can do the same for you.

Our Data Analytics team ensures correct Data tracking and measurement for your site and digital campaigns, and is specialised in gathering detailed customer insights via advanced data analyses. Our experts can also create dashboards for additional insights for you and your team.

Our Digital Strategy team analyses your digital channels and offers heuristic insights and strategic advice based on our extensive team expertise, and best practises in the field.

Our Experiment team completes the programme. All hypotheses flowing from our Digital Analytics review and Heuristic assessment are put to the test via rigorous experimentation, leading to an ongoing cycle of insights and optimisation. Our highly experienced Developers can work with all Testing tools in the market and have mastered a high level quality control process that offers peace of mind to all IT departments.

Working with us offers the following benefits:

The combined knowledge of our highly skilled specialists will get you the best results possible

You will get assigned one of our digital conversion specialists as your programme manager to look after your programme. The exciting part however is that your commitment to work with us unlocks access to our full team of digital specialists. Your programme manager will make every effort to ensure you get the absolute maximum value for your investment by utilising the unique skills of each team member. This synergetic way of working will yeild the best possible results.

You will get full access to our process via a shared SCRUM board and Trello

Each part of our process is systemised and well managed via shared google docs and our project management system Trello. As our client you are part of the team and as such will get full access to these processes and action steps to take. This helps maintain transparency and accountability.

Complete reporting and documentation

We offer full service CRO, from strategy to experiments to full reporting on each part of the process; you will receive reporting on all results achieved to keep in your databank going forward. Our process has set templates for test set up, reporting and meetings with ensures we maintain a high level of quality and communication.

Monthly planning session (face to face, Skype or phone)

Your program manager will meet with you via Skype, phone, email or in person once a month to discuss the progress in your program, results achieved and experiments planned. This is also a moment for some additional brainstorming and ideas that you may have. Having this regular meeting keeps us both on the ball and engaged for optimal results.

Weekly work in progress updates (WIP)

On Monday, your program manager will send you a weekly update via email including all action steps taken in the previous week and actions that are planned for the week to come. If you prefer, this weekly update can also be done via a Skype call or face to face meeting.

Support via email, Skype or phone during business hours

Your program manager is available for questions or support during normal business hours. Having a dedicated program manager means that he/she is fully up to date and immersed in your program, as part of our service they will be able to support you with any program question you may have.

What your program will look like

Phase 1:

First 4 – 6 weeks

Initial on boarding session

To kickstart your program, we’ll sit down with you to discuss the goals for your digital journey, your key success metrics and establish the desired outcome of the program. We’ll establish practical things such as the frequency and channel of reporting back to you, and which wider team we will be working with. In addition, to ensure a good insight into your digital channel, we’ll ask you to complete a briefing document that will offer all the key information needed for our team to move forward. This will create clarity for both of us.

Digital strategy document

Based on your briefing document and our initial session, we will conduct a thorough assessment of your site, both from a heuristic point of view and via thorough analytic insights. This results in. a comprehensive report outlining strategic recommendations, key focus points and our optimization strategy to address revenue leaks and increase the overall effectiveness of your website.

Strategy meeting and workshop

The assessment results and strategy recommendations will be discussed with you in a face to face meeting (workshop). After the assessment, we will have a good mutual understanding of where your channel is at and what conversion improvement may be possible. You will be left with a feeling of clarity with regards to our optimisation program going forward.

Creating the experiment roadmap

After our strategy meeting, we’ll take all input and put together the experiment roadmap, based on our recommendations. and your input from a company experience point of view. Our experiment roadmap will get us moving into phase 2: Our Optimisation phase. In addition, we may choose to add input from our Strategy Lap (for example you may request an additional digital strategy session with your wider team) and/or our Research Lab (which could translate into acquiring additional insights via user testing or a user survey).

Phase 2:

Continuation of the CRO Program

First experiments

Based on the experiment roadmap, we will discuss our first experiment and offer our suggested approach. On a very practical level, this will result in a test set up  document to be sent to you for review and feedback round(s), after which it can be built by our in-house developers. After thorough Q&A we will make the test live, run and monitor it and finish it upon reaching significance. You will receive a thorough results report including learnings and recommendations.

Increase velocity

The results of the first experiment will lead into the next experiment being proposed, starting a cycle of experimentation, learning and implementation. This cycle ideally is ongoing and as a whole helps bring your digital channel to a whole new success level. We work closely with your digital team to combine knowledge and foster education.

Optimise everything

As part of our ongoing commitment. to maximising your results, we may suggest some additional research or strategy work such as user testing, surveys, or a team strategy session.

Proud to be their trusted Optimisation partner

We have long standing partnerships with many of our clients, a testament of the added value we bring them on an ongoing basis:

8 Years

3 Years

2 Years

X Years

X Years

X Years

5 Years

Get in touch to find out how we can team up.

Having worked across industries worldwide, our clients range in traffic & size from medium through to large multinationals. Each business is unique and we can tailor our program to your goals and KPI’s.

If you are looking to gain more revenue from your current website traffic, turning more browsers into buyers - Let’s talk.

Just complete the form to request a callback or, if you prefer, flick us an email.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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